How to lose 210 Pounds in 18 Months by Harriet Jenkins way

How to lose 210 Pounds in 18 Months by Harriet Jenkins way - This woman try hard to reduce her weight for about 15st in just 18 months. 15 stone was equal to 210pound. About 18 months ago Harriet Jenkins weighed 26 stone. On this picture you can see how she looked like back then. A lot has changed in 1.5 year. Inside this post, you can see Harriet’s amazing weight loss results. This could be a great motivation for those who want to reduce their weight. just remember an exercise and healthy food was a best example for weight loss programs. See the picture on the left? that was Harriet Jenkins today with the picture of herself 18 months ago. see the big difference?

Harriet Jenkins, 25, wanted to become a teacher, but with her 30-size clothes and 26st 7.5lbs weight she understood that pupils would taunt her. One day Harriet’s friend suggested she should join a slimming group, and she did. Well i think if Harriett Jenkins write a book based on her experience to reduce her weight so the books will be a best seller. just imagine in a 1,5 years she can lose 210 pounds!!!. It seems that Donna Simpson a Woman who want to become the fattest woman in the planet doesn't need an advice from Jenkins.

18 months passed by, and the girl lost 10 dress sizes. She reached 11st 7lb, perfect weight for her 5ft 8in height. Harriet got the teaching job she dream about, and was named Slimming World’s Woman of the Year.

How did she manage it? The 25-year-old started exercising and eating healthy food. Here's the picture of Harriet Jenkins the Slimming World’s Woman of the Year.

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